Books – Poppa Mac Cowboy Poet :: Preacher :: Storyteller Thu, 16 Jan 2025 20:13:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Stories From the M2 Ranch Wed, 13 Mar 2019 21:15:40 +0000 A Selection of original Western Themed Children’s Stories From Award Winning Cowboy Poet/ Author/ Storyteller Poppa Mac

Will Rogers Medallion Award winner in Children’s fiction

Stories From My Side of the Campfire Thu, 29 Mar 2018 00:54:52 +0000 His poetry is as cowboy as he is, and it ranges from humor to heart wrenching tributes. It is well worth the read. When he asked me to write a little introduction for his first book, I was honored. Not only because I like his writing, but because he and I share our spiritual faith and beliefs. I consider Geoff Mackay to be my “Pasture Pastor,” and am proud to say that I gave him that designation.

So pour you a cup of cowboy coffee, kick your boots off and sit back and enjoy some down to earth genuine cowboy poetry. One thing is certain, whether Poppa Mac is talking about outrunning a charging bull, his extensive collection of cowboy hats or giving a fitting tribute to a special someone, his message is clear, and he presents it well.

~` Smokey Culver, Cowboy Poet
author, A Wrap and A Hooey

2017 WMA Cowboy Poetry Book of the year Nominee
2017 Will Rogers Medallion Awards Sliver Medallion winner Cowboy Poetry Book of the Year

Biscuits, Beans, & Cowboy Coffee – Cookbook Thu, 29 Mar 2018 00:53:17 +0000 As well as being a cowboy preacher, poet, rodeo clown and storyteller, Poppa Mac has spent the better part of 40 years honing his culinary skills and knowledge. He is certified in cooking, baking, meat cutting, and nutrition. Earning the title Certified Culinary Educator. Over his career, Poppa Mac has cooked over open flame for cowboys and cowgirls on ranches and at rodeos. Royalty, the world’s most elite athletes, and the who’s who in the music and entertainment world have enjoyed his culinary creations.

Poppa Mac has finally sat down and put together this collection of some of his favorites. Almost everything can be easily prepared over an open flame or in a kitchen. The choice is yours.

Cap Guns & Stick Ponies Thu, 29 Mar 2018 00:51:46 +0000 Cap Guns & Stick Ponies is a wonderful compilation of poetry for the whole family to enjoy. Children, parents and grandparents alike will enjoy the humour and nostalgia. The vivid descriptions will take the adults back to their childhood and remind them of the country life. Children will laugh and smile as they read about all the characters’ antics.

For the past 3 years, my Grade 4 students have had the opportunity to write an authentic poem with Poppa Mac. He has shared his original poetry and they have shared theirs. During their time together, Poppa Mac talks about the inspiration for his poems, which brings his poetry to life enabling my students to see that poetry exists outside the classroom. He takes them through the entire writing process, from brainstorming to writing the final copy. They are amazed to see their ideas turned into charming rhyme. My students are over the moon to have their three poems, written with Poppa Mac, included in Cap Guns & Stick Ponies.
-Tawnya Klinkhammer, teacher at Kleefeld School. Kleefeld, Manitoba
